About us

The beginning

We started our small team with software and digital products. As we have handled more and more clients locally, even globally we become in deep understanding about their problem when using a platform or needed our team to handle their system including its maintenance. Read detail story here

For that reason, they ask us to offer the software maintenance service including hosting their app with us. Problem is although we kinda understand regarding the server we are fully aware that threats can happen to their application including the crash to their database or any file asset related to their application. 

At that time, we try to find any project that is provided with open source that will be reliable to handle such issue that can let us sleep well in the night and forgetting about any type of accident that can happen anytime to all of our server. 

I work in an IT company that offers several services, one of them it’s a hosting service. As an IT company that offers hosting services, I understand the importance of providing reliable backups to protect against the loss of important data. Accidents can happen, and without a backup in place, your server could be damaged or experience hardware failure which is leading to the potential loss of important data. 

There many type of accident that may happen : 

  1. The data corrupted caused by some incident from the server provider 
  2. The database abused by some hacker 
  3. The deletion of the database including the data that was accidentally caused by the server administrator or the programmer. 
  4. Hardware failure 

Above is the notification example from the server provider regarding that server crash. 

Data is priceless and the level of stress when handling the cry out from clients can make us become burnout as a programmer and can be a big treat to our company. To handle this we need to create a plan to make the backup system that handles the backup without the need of routine intervention. 

Learn from the other mistakes from the data loss. We are aware of the importance of regular data backup. 

Here is the story on how we built our automatic backup system from scratc

Creating from scratch, using an open source product or using available SAAS service ?

When we started our business to the hosted service, it started from 2018 as small group of programmer that provide service to our customer to let us to handle the server. At that time, there were not many open source projects that provide that application that can handle the automatic backup. 

Later we created a backup based on Bash (why not we are programmer)  that can upload file to the Google Drive (yes, you are absolutely correct it is free so we choose that 🙂 ) and at that time we are using our academic account so we get abundant space that can be used to store the backup data to our client. 

We have many sites that need to be synchronized to the drive, because of that the PGBackup reaches the maximum limit of request as we have to upload data in more than 300GB per day!  And the total of the backup is almost 1 terabyte.  
This kindly what happened with the Google Drive at that times. 

We call the application PGBackup, by the abbreviation Python Google Backup, because the name is simple. 

Everything works as expected, it backs up the database and the site data without any problem. 
Until …. 
One day, the Google Drive “burnout” and reluctant to work with us again 😣

About Bqckup

Bqckup experience stress-free and confidential

Unleash the power of protection with our simplified VPS backup solution. Keep your data safe and secure, while also keeping your privacy intact. No more worries about data breaches or unwanted eyes on your information. With our easy-to-use platform, you can rest easy knowing your valuable information is in good hands.

Maximum data security & Privacy

Set it up and forget it

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